Monday, March 21, 2016

Blackland Blackbird Razor

Reader(s) of my blog may have noticed a new razor showing up in some of my pictures.  I have not really talked about this razor here, but I can confidently say that the new Blackland Blackbird razor is the best razor I have ever used and is definitely the coolest.  Shane over at Blackland designed and built the razor last year.  He had a hitch and start over at Kickstarter and late in the fall was able to offer up this futuristic looking tool for sale.  I purchased one of the first run - which sold out pretty quickly, btw.

I am so glad that I decided to jump in and spend some money on this stainless steel, fully machine tooled black oxide razor.  The manufacturing tolerances are perfect and the head design seems to make the razor blade have the automatic proper angle for a close and nick free shave.  

I will likely never NEED to buy another razor again.  That's not to say that I won't buy something else in the future, but I think I found the perfect razor for shaving my face and my head. 

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

3/16/16 - SOTD

This morning's shave was very nice.  The soap was good, the blade was smooth and the razor provided an error free 2 pass shave.  

Blackland Blackbird
Derby Extra (4)
IanS shaving soap
RazoRock Plissoft
Avon Windjammer aftershave

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

3/15/16 - SOTD

Easy 3 pass shave this morning.  The Blackbird razor and Derby blade agree with each other.  I finished off with vintage Avon Spicy.

Derby Extra (2)
RazoRock Plissoft
IanS shaving soap
Avon Spicy aftershave

I never really thought that shaving would be such a pleasant time of my day.  It is.

Monday, March 14, 2016

Shave Of The Day - March 14, 2016

Blackland Blackbird
Derby Extra blade (2)
IanS shaving soap
RazoRock Plissoft brush
vintage Avon Windjammer aftershave

Derby Extra blades are almost universally panned as a mediocre to bad blade.  I decided to try out a pack that I have and see how they perform in the Blackbird razor.  This Pakistan made blade has a reputation for being rough and dull.   I found the opposite to be true in this razor.  Smooth and effective.  I will see how long it lasts.  I hope to get at least a week's worth of shaves from the blade.  

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Same as it ever was...well maybe!  I've not kept up with this blog at all, but I still shave almost every day and am still using only traditional tools and methods.  Well, not straight razors, but good old double edge safety razors.  Over the past 2 years, I've changed a little of my shave gear and think I may be settled in to what I will continue to use.    

This is a Gillette NEW Long Comb razor that I recently had re-vamped by Delta Echo Razorworks.  They do a cool razor plate using GunKote and I think it is just outstanding.

This brush is a RazoRock Plissoft I came into from a pass around box originating at Badger and Blade.  It is a synthetic brush and really makes a nice lather and is perfect for face lathering.

This photo and the next 2 are of my new Blackland Blackbird razor.  It is from a new American company that designed and made this really neat razor.  It is the best shaving razor I own.

 Finally, here is a photo of a Gillette Slim adjustable that gets occasional use.  What makes this razor important to me is that it was manufactured in the 4th quarter of 1963, the same time when I was born.