Same as it ever was...well maybe! I've not kept up with this blog at all, but I still shave almost every day and am still using only traditional tools and methods. Well, not straight razors, but good old double edge safety razors. Over the past 2 years, I've changed a little of my shave gear and think I may be settled in to what I will continue to use.
This is a Gillette NEW Long Comb razor that I recently had re-vamped by
Delta Echo Razorworks. They do a cool razor plate using GunKote and I think it is just outstanding.
This brush is a RazoRock Plissoft I came into from a pass around box originating at Badger and Blade. It is a synthetic brush and really makes a nice lather and is perfect for face lathering.
This photo and the next 2 are of my new
Blackland Blackbird razor. It is from a new American company that designed and made this really neat razor. It is the best shaving razor I own.
Finally, here is a photo of a Gillette Slim adjustable that gets occasional use. What makes this razor important to me is that it was manufactured in the 4th quarter of 1963, the same time when I was born.